Monday, July 30, 2007

The New Blog

This will be the blog site for La Croix UMC's 40 Days of Community campaign. Happy Reading!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited about this blog thing. I've never blogged before and now we can read all the exciting things people will be doing together during the 40 days!
Thanks for putting this together, I look forward to participating and hopefully "blogging" with my church family.

La Croix 40 Days said...

Cool, Here's a challenge to all bloggers and 'wannabes'. Jump in to the 40DOC blog and let everybody know you're excited about reaching southeast mo. for Jesus!

Anonymous said...

I'm diligently reading my "Better Together" daily devotionals. The last two days have talked about loving fellow Christians. I'm confused. Why this emphasis on Christian family when reaching out to the community would mean loving non-Christians too? Thank you in advance for your input! :)

Anonymous said...

I think that emphasising Christian Family is such an important step in learning to love non-Christians. When we learn to love eachother unconditionally in our Christian Family it can be habit forming. We need to see every Non-Christian as a potential Christian-Family Member. None of us deserve Christ's love and yet He still gives it to us and recklessly. Who are we to not to do the same? Just my thoughts.


Well it seems like God was really working outside of Cape. From the talk of the meeting Wed night, almost none of us would be in a small group if there wasn't one in Benton. Who knew!


On a different note. The BSG (Benton small group) meeting went awesome! Though we really didn't stick to hardly any of the lesson plan.

We have quite a group, and thoughts, ideas and feelings started flowing as soon as the dvd was over. The one thing that struck me right away was how quickly we took to each other. My wife and I are not "group people" and I don't think we were the only ones who felt the way going in but the Lord seemed to break down barriers almost immediatly. We talked about hurts we carry and the difficulty in loving unconditionaly those we don't know or don't particularly like. We didn't come to any earth shaking conclusions Wed night but I think we bonded non the less and I look forward to growing in Christ with the BSG.


Well the BSG had a pretty awesome meeting last night. From last week to this, it seems God answered quite a few prayers. There does seem to be a bug going around as quite a few of the families had been sick the previous week. We have pretty much decided what our community project will be and God willing it will not end after the 40 days. One thing we realised was that none of us really have any connection to our community here in Benton. With God's help that is going to change. (more to come)


"I shall pass this way but once. Therefore, any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the BSG(Benton Small Group). It is very refreshing to be around other people who love Jesus Christ and arn't afraid of showing it. Men modeling christianity are few in my life. Thank you for your vigor! My life is just the reverse of this study. I've been trying to change the people around me to be christians without having christian models. Now I have christian models and a church to share to point my "world" to.


One thing I always feel after church on Sun is the peacefulness I feel for the next couple of days. But it always seemed that right around Thurs. I would start feeling anxious and a little empty in my fuel tank. The world is so fast nowadays that it seems to come at you at the speed of light, like waves crashing against the levee of my soul. But now since the Wed. BSG meetings I get my tank filled again and carries me through the rest of the week. Thank you guys for being my filling station.


Sherry, you and your daughter are a blessing to all of us in the group.